
The Devil´s Canyon

There´s nothing better than waking up to an honest and candid; “Good morning, gorgeous/handsome/whatever you like”… unless you are Theodore and your “thang” is going down on a USB port. Unfortunately this piece is not about sexuality nor cyber-sexuality, but rather a blatant violation of your God-given right to privacy.

You see, a hammer is a helpful tool but we keep it stored far away. A screwdriver is a tool and must of us keep it safe in a toolbox, unless you live in
London and can´t even afford to buy a fucking knife… computers and technology are tools and are ought to remain that way, unless you need some sort of prosthetic, exoskeleton or life-support system, then by all means, keep it close!.

Tablets and laptops coming later this year will be able to constantly listen for voice commands thanks to new chips from Intel

“The new line of mobile chips unveiled by Intel today makes it possible to wake up a laptop or tablet simply by saying “Hello, computer” and once it has been awoken, the computer can operate as a voice-controlled virtual assistant (Siri?). You might call out “Hello, computer; what is the weather forecast today?” while getting out of bed. Tablets and lightweight laptops based on the new Core M line of chips will go on sale at the end of this year.

They can constantly listen for voice instructions thanks to a component known as a digital signal processor core that is dedicated to processing audio with high efficiency and minimal power use. “It doesn´t matter what state the system will be in, it will be listening all the time, it is possible to set any two- or three-word phrase to rouse a computer with a Core M chip. A device can also be trained to respond only to a specific voice. The voice-print feature isn´t accurate enough to replace a password, but it could prevent a device from being accidentally woken up; if coupled with another biometric measure, such as webcam with facial recognition, however, a voice command could work as a security mechanism”, says
Ed Gamsaragan.

People would give up everything for a little comfort and a fake sense of power and this is where things get interesting; because in today´s world having all the evidence is not enough, you have to able to convince ignorant, self-absorbed, narcissist assholes, of what´s happening around the world and as close as in our pockets or purses (whatever you prefer). Let´s do this together; read this next paragraph mimicking Forrest Gump´s voice… let me get you started. 


“Hello Jenny… the average person just doesn't seem to understand that tech is always a double edged sword. What seems to be cool and helpful to them now, can also be used later by others, to further enslave them with the same tech. You also have to keep in mind that the average person still doesn't know they're actually an expendable component of and a slave to the "Machine". I been preaching for years now that it´s not going to be prevention that stops the surveillance apparatus of "The Machine". It´s here… now and becomes more efficient every day. It´s going to be those who have the skills and can creatively apply TSCM (Technical Security Counter Measures) and Counter Intel to the population; that will gum up and Hack "The Machine". These are the individuals who will be in huge demand and the biggest help those who haven't a clue as to what is really going on in the world… and that's all i have to say about that”. 

From R&D.
The wake-on-voice feature is compatible with any operating system. That means it could be possible to summon Microsoft´s virtual assistant Cortana in Windows, or Google´s voice search functions in Chromebook devices. The only mobile device on the market today that can constantly listen for commands is the Moto X smartphone from Motorola. It has a dedicated audio chip that constantly listens for the command “OK, Google”, which activates the Google search app.

"Holy shit! I need that so bad!” Vs.” Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed." -Martin Luther King, Jr.

Most people will attack and brand ideas that contradict their beliefs-education, always looking to label the messenger as a hater, bigot or egocentric-asshole; but this line of thought only exposes the insecurities and indoctrination that live inside of us. No one likes being “served”, but once again, we are talking about perspectives and pride… as Marcellus Wallace once said: “fuck pride!”.

You don´t have to be an observant Jew, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc. to expose evil and wickedness; and to know that there is something terribly wrong, going on in this world.

“It doesn´t matter what you believe; because the ones calling the shots believe that what they are doing is part of a greater purpose”.

When companies come up with “rebellious names” for their products, we need to wonder about who is really calling the shots: Splendido has Fagottini, these brands got in the wagon too, and then came My Dadz Nutz  still, all those “misinterpretations” are hilarious at some extent; what troubles my mind is why a company such as Lucent would name one of its products as Inferno? The idea behind naming and advertising software is to make it appealing for the consumer, not give the consumer the idea that using that software will turn the user´s experience into a living hell! It´s like going to your dealer and realizing that he wants to sell you a new batch called “death (2:17)”…

Intel announces new Devil's Canyon CPU: 4GHz Base Clock, 4.4GHz Turbo Mode”

Rest my case.

“Le Bonus”
Look in the mirror”.


'The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.' 



The Matrix

“The Matrix is fascist, the Matrix is deceptive, and the Matrix is bureaucracy. The Matrix is essentially the rule of the institution over the individual, and in it, the rights of the individual are subordinate to the rights of the institution. Individuals have to believe (or at least not actively oppose the idea) that large corporations have the right to protect their profits above all else and thus dictate policy and law. They have to believe that this law is just moral and seemingly based upon reason or they have to feel unaffected by the law on an individual level. They have to accept the program and be satisfied with the rewards given for doing so. They have to do their jobs, pay their taxes and be content with their salary (at least to the point where their salary and the stability it provides are appealing enough to deter risking leaving the Matrix). Rejecting these beliefs is the first step in resisting the Matrix.”

Excerpts from the DW…



Are smartphones part of the New World Order?

Are smartphones part of the New World Order?

Published on Friday, September 5, 2014

Are smartphones part of the New World Order?

This article was not written with the intention of "sataniz
e" technology, or to criticize the communication and socialization habits of individuals. The approach that Feexit's R&D would like to make is that technology is a TOOL, not a way of life nor life itself. In R&D we see trends, myths and problems, and we are always looking for new ideas to make LIFE easier for people; but unfortunately, many people take the new trends in technology as if they were, somehow, a chance to buy a new life. As information loads increase, and the access to that information becomes easier, the degree of skepticism in people doubles. It is not about having solid evidence anymore (paper, audio, video… etc). Nowadays it is a matter of beliefs; “whatever the mass believes” that comes from the socialization process; in some other cases, it is plain ego. Very few people dare to think that just because they are using a Smartphone they are being manipulated and introduced into a structure that allows Governments and large corporations to control "their environment".

"EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT" when you buy a phone:
  1. You will be screwed for the next 12, 18 or 24 months, because of that contract with Mobile Operator. 
  1. Through the eyes of the world, the person is happy, successful and sophisticated because he/she is using cutting edge technology… Quoting José Nero: “Technology is that which is being used". 
  1. The socialization process will be fulfilled because there is a “capacity” to talk-exist-interact with other people through the most popular and accepted Apps (for society)… Candycrush? (Don't believe us? Stop using your mobile and social networks for a month). 
  1. You can have access to whatever it is that you consider your "favorite music" and watch videos on Youtube... etc. 
  1. Once more, the ghost of “basic” socialization through Facebook, Twitter and other social networks.

What we do not know is that:

  1. Someone has access to contacts, notes, messages, photos, etc. without any authorization… and no, saying “I do not want to...” is not enough. "I thought I erased them". 
  1. Someone knows where you are... and no, it's not your boyfriend/girlfriend; wife/husband... bookie. Would you like to ask Malte Spitz about it? 
  1. A large number (80%) of conversations are recorded and stored by a "disguised" App, to later be sent through Wi-Fi to some "unknown location", the same principle applies to text messages and other operations proper of a "Smartphone”. 
  1. You will need some black humor for this one, but you pay on a monthly basis to be spied upon.

There are way too many articles and essays about technology; but most of the time, they won't talk about us, HUMANS, and what lose because of the addictions generated by the Smartphone and Technology in general. “EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT” there are beautiful things outside, things that need to be shared (that's why they have Instagram); but there is no application or emulator that will allow you to have a proper drink in a restaurant or a bar; with colleagues, relatives or friends. Even though we are living in a great time in human history, due to the abundance of information and knowledge; for most people life happens through a screen, a screen that for the new generations is influencing their personal development.

EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT” the use of these devices is addictive; and just like PORN, yes, PORN! (Erototoxins); we as individuals are being isolated and lead to believe that coexistence is only possible through a device connected to a social network. We are being conditioned to believe that the world out there is so dangerous and evil, that it is almost impossible to meet good people in the real world (sadly, most people do believe that).

In the article The Ghosts of our Fathers we explained the monitoring system that covers most of the planet (or at least, the most populated areas), in which the individual believes that the Internet is in fact one form of entertainment and simultaneously the way to socialize… Wall-E?.

“EVERYBODY KNOWS” and by “knowing” they can be sure that this planet is part of a control experiment that “Daddy Government” has designed to know "EVERYTHING" about us and to keep us from making the things that will affect whatever they consider the best for the family-country; yes, because they DO LOVE US very much… on their unique way, that is.

Going back to the concept of "EVERYBODY KNOWS" and altering it just a bit; everybody should know what MAC really is (no, not the CIA-financed company...Steve Jobs). MAC, or MAC address, is a unique and mandatory identifier for each computer connected to a network of any kind and anywhere. The same principle applies to mobile phones, tablets, iPod Touch, etc. Everything what it is connected to a network, must be identified and it must be through this unique MAC address. Example: Malte Spitz???

“EVERYBODY KNOWS” what the IMEI number is (we hope!), the International Mobile Equipment Identity

is like the Eye of Sauron, it knows where you are, where you connect from and even when you change your SIM card (Mobile Network Operator) thanks to IMEI you will not be able to hide the fact that the phone is yours (the things change if you get robbed, though)…

“This is a Feexit community service”

Before your telephone gets robbed, make sure to dial this code in your phone, in order to obtain the IMEI number.
*#06# Write it down (not in the phone, of course!) and keep it safe.

There is a myth out there that we shall name "Myth #66", in which there is a belief that when the phone is off, all communications die. The answer is NO

Even though the device is off, it will remain detectable in the network and the location can be set by means of triangulation, because the device keeps emitting radio signals and these signals come from the IMEI. So even if its on, off or you set it on fire, “… they know that you will buy a new device... probably the newest and most advanced, that you will obviously pay for it and will remain part of that New World Order;

meaning, being isolated and virtually enslaved, losing touch with the real world while they enjoy the real wealth that comes out of your daily labor and translates into massive consumption (which they own); do not forget that they also feed from that "delicious intelligence" you give them every time your personal life goes into a social network (they also feed from the things you do not publish, malware?) - Numeratti by Stephen Baker
Remember, when a device has greater capacity, accessibility and connectivity; it is easier to be identified, monitored and intervened.

Dude, everybody knows that!”

Microsoft Office features your name, name of the machine, initials, name of the company and any information to review the documents that are created. According to this Microsoft article, the best way to remove metadata (remember?) is the following... Tools | Options | Security Tab | "Remove personal information from this file on save".

Even though...

This is the ”
How to safety publish sanitized reports “ guide by the NSA, a very interesting document.
