The best passwords are made of:
Numbers (0-9)
II-52 Letters (A-Z & a-z)
III-Special Characters (! $ % æ ß € đ ŧ ŋ ← ↓ ħ @ ł € ¶… etc).
Hands on!
The most common password is made of 5 characters: a5g2h (3 letters lower case & 2 numbers). To create a password with 5 characters, there are 36 options (10 numbers and 26 letters(lower case)) or 365= 60,466,176.
So, how fast can you break this 5-character password?
Well; we have 60,466,176 combinations / 2,000,000,000 speed* = 0.03 seconds to break it.
*”Speed” is measured in Megahertz or MHz. One (1) MHz is a calculation of 1 million cycles per second (or instructions/orders to a computer), if you have a 2000 Mhz processor, the machine will be capable of running at 2,000,000,000 cycles per second… One (1) Gigahertz or GHz is equaal to 1000 MHz.
Let's see what happens with a stronger password.
12 characters; 3 letters (capital), 4 letters (lower case), 3 special characters and 2 numbers… or G3$aT^eB6*is.
There are 94 options (10 numbers, 52 letters and 32 special characters) or 9412= 475,920,314,814,253,376,475,136
475,920,314,814,253,376,475,136 / 2,000,000,000 = 237,960,157,407,127 seconds… about 7.5 million years to break it!
Check the Calculator!
Passphrases: Passphrases are extremely useful since these are expressions that are used on a daily basis; they do not require some special assembly, as a 12-character password. Passphrases just need some “tuning” and they are good to go!
II-52 Letters (A-Z & a-z)
III-Special Characters (! $ % æ ß € đ ŧ ŋ ← ↓ ħ @ ł € ¶… etc).
Hands on!
The most common password is made of 5 characters: a5g2h (3 letters lower case & 2 numbers). To create a password with 5 characters, there are 36 options (10 numbers and 26 letters(lower case)) or 365= 60,466,176.
So, how fast can you break this 5-character password?
Well; we have 60,466,176 combinations / 2,000,000,000 speed* = 0.03 seconds to break it.
*”Speed” is measured in Megahertz or MHz. One (1) MHz is a calculation of 1 million cycles per second (or instructions/orders to a computer), if you have a 2000 Mhz processor, the machine will be capable of running at 2,000,000,000 cycles per second… One (1) Gigahertz or GHz is equaal to 1000 MHz.
Let's see what happens with a stronger password.
12 characters; 3 letters (capital), 4 letters (lower case), 3 special characters and 2 numbers… or G3$aT^eB6*is.
There are 94 options (10 numbers, 52 letters and 32 special characters) or 9412= 475,920,314,814,253,376,475,136
475,920,314,814,253,376,475,136 / 2,000,000,000 = 237,960,157,407,127 seconds… about 7.5 million years to break it!
Check the Calculator!
Passphrases: Passphrases are extremely useful since these are expressions that are used on a daily basis; they do not require some special assembly, as a 12-character password. Passphrases just need some “tuning” and they are good to go!