
The rebellion of the bits.

The rebellion of the bits.

Use the force, Luke… let go, Luke
It is very difficult not to get goose bumps every time we hear that phrase, although I must recognize that there are twats out there that still weep and hurt for the Empire. Some folks have a hard time trying to discover who the real tyrant is, since they only look for a threatening uniform and an open draconian agenda and even though those elements are present, they are well disguised behind a well-structured language that Mother Teresa would use at a fund raiser for the Tichilești leper colony. Truth is that evil is constantly evolving and unless someone is well trained to recognize evil… well, the majority of the people will let it pass, only to realize its presence when it is already too late… when they see the marks on their bodies, just like a terminal patient dying of AIDS or Ebola.

Tyranny begins “piano, piano”…

Addictions begin when there is no control over the senses, when there is a physiological craving for any sort of stimulus. When the person depends on these stimuli to continue with its life, sooner or later he or she will pay any price to keep receiving it. Every market has producers, distributors, intermediaries, wholesalers, retailers, consumers, smugglers, falsifiers and thieves; what most people fail to see is that dark character hidden in a corner, waiting, he wants to own it all, even the will of those consumers. 

In 2009 there were reports that cybercrime was more profitable than drug trafficking; activities such as spamming, denial-of-service attacks, phishing, cyber stalking, fraud, identity theft, harassment, child pornography and from there to drug trafficking and cyber terrorism… in all these cases, the computers were a tool, a target or both.

False-Flag Attack: Noun: 
  1. (nautical) A ruse, in the days of sail, in which an attacking ship would fly the colors of its enemy until close enough to open fire.
  2. (espionage, military) A diversionary or propaganda tactic of deceiving an adversary into thinking that an operation was carried out by another party.


1933 - The Reichstag Fire (Der Reichstagsbrand) was started against the Reichstag building in Berlin. “Who really did it?” that is still a mystery; Marinus van der Lubbe (Dutch communist) was the one blamed by Hitler's government. Van der Lubbe had recently arrived to Germany and was captured on site; after being tortured, he admitted to setting the building on fire and was obviously executed. The fire was used as “proof” by the Nazis to blame the Communists of conspiracy against the government and it is considered as a fundamental event in the establishment of the Third Reich.

1939 - Winter War, the Soviet army shelled the town of Mainila, a Russian town near the border with Finland, the attack was used as an excuse to invade Finland.

"...the State 'has the supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the State... for the right of the world spirit is above all special privileges.” Author/historian William Shirer, quoting Georg Hegel in his The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (1959, page 144)

The governments of the world are "promoting" laws to regulate the Internet with the slogan of making the internet “a safe place for everyone, a place in which human rights and the law (draconian) are respected”, but what is the thin line that separates supervision from oppression?

Censorship and creativity in China.

 China is considered by many as a key figure in cyber-espionage (financial and technological/industrial secrets- 141 companies in 20 different industries) around the world; especially because of those accusations made by the USA against the People's Liberation Army (PLA). Take a look at the Mandiant report.


Chinese Filters “… are powerful and repressive; they use key words or phrases to block users, ending up in blocking their internet access. Any new website that contains “dangerous” material is blocked immediately, in fact 'subversive commentaries' in blogs, forums and other sites can be erased in minutes and replaced by pro-government messages, this is possible because of the Chinese cyber-police and its 30.000 elements, although the netizens of the Human Flesh Search Engine claim that in order to keep that structure working, monitoring, deleting and replacing that fast, they need at least 2.000.000 people. CPJ says that until 2014, China had the largest number of imprisoned journalists in the world: whereas the average jail sentence for cyber-dissidents goes from 3.5 to 4 years.

Australia and its “Great Aussie Firewall”- A filter that promises to block 1,300 websites that the Government does not approve; from pornography, violence, terrorism to tutorials on how to smoke ganja.

The Information Technology Act of India- The Government of India founded the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-IN), which it allows the monitoring of all incoming and outgoing internet traffic in India, the government can intercept messages from mobile phones, computers and other devices; also it can block websites that promote subversive content and that contribute to "the perversion and corruption of the mind." It is fun to mention, but India is the home of the Kama Sutra and under this law, pornography has been prohibited.


Real Name System- One of the privileges that we enjoy is to use any alias that comes to our mind. Internet was born anonymous, even though many zombies keep publishing all their photos. In South Korea, this proposal (Real Name) was on the verge of becoming law, until the Court considered that something like that was illegal.  Although this also applies to China!

Weibo is the Chinese Twitter and is infected with censorship. The code of conduct stipulates that Weibo users cannot publish content that goes against the principles of the constitution that can damage national unity, divulges State secrets or misinformation, among many other rules. Sina is the greatest Weibo operator and presented a system of points for its users. Every user starts with 80 points and each time there is a violation, the user loses points. Zero points means losing the account. But the users who reveal and confirm their identity gain more points… yay!

United States-Patriot Act It was born in October 2001, weeks after the attacks the 9-11 attacks. Some legislators read some parts of it and then they voted. A document with hundreds of pages and amendments to statutes that were very complex; intelligence services claimed that they needed more “authoritah!”.

The law that served as justification to give all legal power to the well-known dragnet that will be remembered as one of the most invasive ever (Section 215) and it expires on June 1st…

Unless the American Congress decides otherwise… and pays attention to whatever the NSA has to say.

Mexico- Döring's Law, treating to fight digital piracy and to protect contents

National Security Law and the Mexican telephone espionage…



La rebelión de los bits.

La rebelión de los bits.

Use the force, Luke… let go, Luke
Es muy difícil ocultar la piel de gallina al escuchar esta frase, aunque he conocido un buen número de hijos e hijas de puta que aun derraman lagrimas por la derrota del Imperio. Para muchas personas es difícil ubicar un tirano y es aún más difícil cuando el uniforme amenazador y la agenda draconiana están escondidos detrás de un lenguaje que Madre Teresa usaría al momento de recaudar fondos para los leprosos de Tichilești. La verdad es que hasta la maldad evoluciona y a menos que uno esté bien entrenado para distinguirla; la mayoría de las personas se dará cuenta cuando ya es muy tarde y solo hasta que vea las marcas en el cuerpo; como con los enfermos terminales de Ebola y SIDA.

La tiranía empieza “piano, piano”…
Las adicciones empiezan cuando no se tiene control sobre los sentidos, cuando se crea una necesidad fisiológica por un estímulo. Cuando la persona depende de estos estímulos para seguir con su vida, se termina pagando el precio que sea con tal de seguir recibiéndolo. En todo mercado siempre habrá productores, distribuidores, intermediarios, mayoristas, minoristas, consumidores, contrabandistas, falsificadores y ladrones; y escondido en un rincón estará el fantasma que quiere ser dueño absoluto de todo, hasta de la voluntad de los consumidores.

En el 2009 ya se tenían reportes de que los crimines cibernéticos habían superado en ganancias al tráfico de drogas; actividades como spamming, ataques denial-of-service, phishing, cyberstalking, fraude, robo de identidad, acoso, pornografía infantil y de allí al tráfico de drogas y ciber-terrorismo… en donde las computadoras son una herramienta, un blanco o ambas.

Ataque False-Flag: son operaciones encubiertas llevadas a cabo por gobiernos, corporaciones y otras organizaciones, diseñadas para aparecer como si fueran llevadas a cabo por otras entidades.

1933- El Incendio del Reichstag (Der Reichstagsbrand) fue un incendio perpetrado contra el edificio del Reichstag en Berlín. El “¿quién fue?” sigue siendo tema de debate; la historia dice que Marinus van der Lubbe (comunista holandés) fue culpado del evento por el gobierno de Hitler. Van der Lubbe había llegado recientemente a Alemania y fue capturado en el lugar del incendio. Después de ser torturado, admitió haber prendido fuego al edificio y obviamente fue ejecutado. El incendio fue utilizado como “prueba” por los nazis para acusar a los comunistas de conspirar contra el gobierno y está considerado como un hecho fundamental en el establecimiento del Tercer Reich.

1939- La Guerra del Invierno, el ejército Soviético bombardeo el pueblo de Mainila, un pueblo ruso que se encuentra cerca de la frontera con Finlandia. El ataque fue utilizado como un pretexto para invadir Finlandia.

… el Estado tiene un derecho supremo sobre el individuo, cuyo deber supremo es el ser un miembro del Estado…” –El auge y caída del Tercer Reich (1959, página 144)

Los gobiernos del mundo están impulsando leyes para regular el internet con la bandera de hacer del internet “un lugar seguro, en donde los derechos humanos y la ley (draconiana) se respeten”, ¿pero en qué punto la supervisión se vuelve control y luego yugo?

La censura y creatividad China.

China es considerada por muchos como una de las piezas clave en el ciber-espionaje (robo de secretos financieros e industriales/tecnológicos- 141 compañías en 20 industrias distintas) alrededor del mundo; en especial las acusaciones de espionaje contra el People's Liberation Army (PLA) por parte de los Estados Unidos. Para mayor referencia lean el Reporte Mandiant.

Filtros Chinos “…son poderosos y represivos; utilizan palabras clave o frases para bloquear usuarios, eventualmente terminan bloqueando el acceso a internet. Cualquier sitio nuevo que contenga material “peligroso” es bloqueado inmediatamente, de hecho los comentarios ‘subversivos’ en blogs, foros y otros sitios pueden ser borrados en minutos y remplazados por mensajes pro-gobierno, todo esto es gracias a que la policía cibernética en China está compuesta por 30,000 elementos, aunque la gente del Human Flesh Search Engine dice que para lograr que la operación de vigilancia sea tan rápida y efectiva, al menos se necesitan de 2,000,000 de personas monitoreando constantemente las redes.
CPJ dice que hasta el 2014, China tenía el mayor número de periodistas encarcelados en el mundo: mientras que la condena promedio para los ciber-disidentes es de 4 años por hablar contra el gobierno.”

Australia y su “Great Aussie Firewall”- Un filtro que promete bloquear 1,300 sitios web que el Gobierno no aprueba, entre pornografía, violencia, terrorismo y tutoriales para fumar ganja.

El Information Technology Act de India- El Gobierno de la India fundo el Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-IN), que permite el monitoreo de todo el tráfico de internet que entra y sale de India, el gobierno puede interceptor mensajes de teléfonos móviles, computadoras y otros dispositivos; también puede bloquear sitios web que tengan contenido ‘subversivo’ y que ‘contribuya a la depravación y corrupción de la mente de las personas’. Curiosamente la India es el hogar del Kama Sutra y bajo esta ley, la pornografía ha sido prohibida.
Sistema de Nombre Real- Uno de los privilegios con los que gozamos (hasta este momento) es el de utilizar cualquier alias que se nos venga a la mente. El internet nació anónimo, aunque muchos zombies después hayan optado por publicar todas sus fotos que tenían a la mano. En Corea del Sur, esta propuesta estuvo a punto de volverse ley, hasta que la corte dictamino que algo así era ilegal. ¡Aunque en China esto si aplica!

Weibo es el Twitter chino y está infectado con censura. El código de conducta estipula que los usuarios de Weibo no pueden publicar contenido que vaya en contra de los principios de la constitución, que pueda dañar la unidad nacional, que revele secretos de estado o información falsa, entre muchas otras reglas. Sina es el mayor operador de Weibo y presento un sistema de puntos para sus usuarios. Se empieza con 80 puntos y cada que hay una violación se pierden puntos. El tener 0 (cero) puntos significa perder la cuenta. Los usuarios que revelan y confirman su identidad ganan puntos… ¡yay!

Mexico- La Ley Döring, tratando de combatir la piratería digital y proteger los contenidos
La Ley de Seguridad Nacional y el espionaje telefónico…

Estados Unidos- El Patriot Act “nació” en Octubre del 2001, unas semanas después de los ataques del 11 de Septiembre. Algunos legisladores leyeron parte de la ley por la cual votaron. Un documento con cientos de páginas y enmiendas a estatutos que eran muy complejos; los servicios de inteligencia decían que necesitaban más “authoritah!”.

La ley que sirvió como justificación para darle todo el poder legal a la red de espionaje-monitoreo más invasiva conocida hasta la fecha (Section 215) expira el 1ero de Junio… a menos que el congreso americano decida lo contrario… y le haga caso a la versión del NSA.



La conspiration de la pomme... in english.

La conspiration de la pomme.

Everybody says the same thing: “Steve Jobs was a genius, an entrepreneur, a holy man; “if I had daughters, I would give'em to him”… he was Apple Computer's co-founder and the creative force behind iPod, iPhone, iPad.

Most of the world thinks under the same structure and that same structure is the one that killed the message that was part of the Apple's 1984-inspired TV Ad; the need to be different, to think freely and to destroy the panopticon-like society that "kept" us in bondage. Steve Jobs was a hippie that smoked weed, dropped acid and was a college drop-out; and somehow, many close-minded conservatives worship him and dare to call the guy a "visionary and innovator". On the other hand, the hippies and hipsters that voraciously consume Apple products seem not to care that Apple is only concerned with profit, killing any efforts related to open source software and to totally control its users (Apple is the master and controls the software-hardware in every single iPhone. The most important iOS updates happen once a year and a couple of days before a new iPhone is released. The update can only be obtained through Apple; and during that day there is global euphoria while millions of telephone-people surrender to Apple's will).

Zombies & Big Brother.

Big Brother-The Government. They know everything about everyone.
Zombies- The body of a dead person who seems to be alive; but lacks of will and is mute, an automaton.

Steve “Big Brother” Jobs, the hippie that smoked weed, dropped acid and was a college drop-out (not that it makes a difference) was a key player and perhaps the path to create the Orwellian-Surveillance-State in which we live. Steve Jobs did not create Apple Computer, Steve Wozniak did; Wozniak designed the motherboard and integrated the monitor, the floppy drive and the keyboard. History says that Jobs was constrictive and eventually fired from his own company, without a single tear being spilled for him. When he returned, Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy and this is the moment in which the legend begins: “Steve Jobs saved the company by using his innovating ideas.“

MP3 players existed before the iPod, the only difference is that iPod used iTunes-encrypted files with copyright. Smartphones already existed before iPhone, with touch screens and the apps were also cheaper; the difference is that these apps were not closed source and lacked the world famous "NSA backdoor".

Jobs was not an innovator in the world of technology, but during his “Second Coming” he was the key to make from something as disgusting as a method for control into a synonym of status and sophistication… all written by Tavistock and overseen by the NSA (there are programs by the NSA called "scripts" that can monitor different operating systems, including features such as maps, voicemail, photos, Google Earth, Facebook and other applications.)

The following image is part of a presentation called “Your target is using Blackberry? Now what?.” It shows an email from a Mexican government agency that was sent by using the Blackberry encryption system - still was intercepted by the NSA.

Jobs was not a hero, in fact he was just the anti-establishment figurine that the powers that be used as a place to hide. The secret for the success behind Jobs & Apple was not creativity; it was the media machinery that washed the brain of the zombies so they would believe that Apple Computer was the only thing standing in the way of the Establishment from gaining total control over mankind. When in reality Apple is The Establishment.

Sex in the brain

It is everywhere, entering our brains through magazines, newspapers, television, Internet. Once inside, it fulfills its task: "to reconstruct the brain in a mechanical and reflective way by using the cellular changes that happen during sleep, when resistance does not exist."

According to Dr. Judith Reisman, pornography affects the physical structure of the brain, turning its users in porno-zombies. Pornography is an erototoxin that produces a “cocktail” of testosterone, oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin; it is highly addictive and has an organic effect in the brain.

1. You feel different, almost euphoric when buying any given product by Apple. You also know what versions are available and perhaps even the price.

2. You feel some type of physical effect when there is “chaos or drama” around your iPhone. The idea of someone dropping it and then getting damaged... the possibility of losing it... it makes you nervous.

3. You know the exact location of the nearest Apple Store, and from time to time you "pass by to check it”.

4. You defend the Apple brand from all its critics - in real life and in the Web.

5. You probably have 7 screens filled with useless apps that you haven't even used... but you still keep them.

6. You have many accessories for your Apple devices, as if we were talking about Barbie dolls.

7. Perhaps your communication habits have been significantly deteriorating and you solely depend on Apple devices… perhaps you fell in love with Siri?

          Is it still a conspiracy theory or is it real? 


P.S. If you want to talk about
planned obsolescence or the time When we were happy XP