Why do I protect my identity?
The fact that a person may want to protect his/her identity, does not mean that he/she is "up to something",
A person may have secrets and that does not make him/her suspicious; privacy must be considered a human need. We all have our own angels and demons, we all know our tears and smiles, but those "things" are ours. It is up to us if we share them or not.

We have talked so many times about smartphones, about how they keep doubling their capabilities every two years, and the way the people use their cameras to (unconsciously) destroy their privacy, destroying themselves in the process. The same way a smoker destroys his/her life... I am a heavy smoker myself, but I would never try to sue the tobacco companies for "my cancer”… it is my call to smoke more than a package a day, it is not like the cigarrete pointed a gun to my head...everything was consensual, for so to say. The world takes photos, the world talks and the world shares... criticizes and gets mad at itself; three days later the world forgets… perhaps without knowing it, the world experiences its two minutes of hate.

The best distraction and monitoring technique for the masses is to make the citizens to impose an aabomination called the “Penurious Censorship”, also known as "Politically Correct” language; a sterile form of language that must be used at any moment in order to avoid hurting people's feelings, a form of language that must be monitored in all situations and levels, using the ruler that the canons designed to label words as "offensive”. As George Carlin would say: Psychiatrists have actually started calling ugly people "those with severe appearance deficits". It's getting so bad that any day now, I'm expecting to hear a rape victim referred to as an "unwilling sperm recipient".

Most people who impose the Penurious Censorship language, are as fundamentalist as the ISIS hordes. Whereas ISIS destroys Palmyra because it opposed their interpretation of the Quran; the PC Fundamentalists destroy language, sterilize creativity and castrate the part of the soul where rebellion is born; because their interpretation on what society should be, is of a place where there are no offenses; a place where no one uses criticism, and a place where no one is able to defend itself, because there is a structure that will "always defend him/her" through stiff laws; a place in which everyone is told what is best for them, and a place where people are not looking for answers on their own because they have been conditioned to believe that individualism means to excel, and the sole act of shinning, of being special, is an act of hatred towards the collective… it is funny, but tyrants dream of places such as the one I just described.

The Fundamentalist PC Police has a very methodical way to attack all those who are against their rhetoric; in the case of a group, they will divide it and attack individually with Doxing. They always attack as a group, they always exploit the darkest and more personal elements, "forgetting" all good deeds. They will always attack the heart; it is also true that they do not care about the lives they will destroy in the process, as long as their agenda prevails. A clear example of doxing happened when Cecil the lion was assassinated by Walter Palmer. Social networks, their "opinion leaders", influencers and other Pied Pipers of Hamelin, cried out for Palmer's head (two minutes of hate), and went after every single hunter who had some sort of online presence. The PC Police attacked the cyber-jugular of these people, hidding behind the animal cruelty banner; but their main objective was to attack what hunting really represents... independence. Hunting represents a bond with the past, hunting involves physical, mental and spiritual training; hunting means to fight against one-self… all these, is part of the tyrant's shit list.

What about the ones that do not want to be part of the game? Nathaniel Hawthorne painted an unjust and hypocritical society in “The Scarlet Letter”, a society in which a woman is condemned to carry on her chest a letter “A”, for Adulterous; because she refuses to reveal the name of her daughter's father. We live in an age of cyber-obscurantism disguised with a mask of "freedom for all minorities"; minorities that have carved in their hearts the commands of the Penurious Censorship movement. When we do the math, PC minorities become The PC Majority; and the new minorities are completely defenceless before the stranglehold of all that it is politically correct… the new scarlet letter is “I” for Intolerance.

So, I protect my identity, encrypt my information, avoid/cover cameras or cover my face; not because I am doing something wrong, but I know that there is something out there that keeps monitoring, assessing and when time is right, will be ready to attack.

All great stories in which a group of people fought a tyrant for their freedom, share the elements of secrecy, privacy and conspiracy; from the Warsaw Ghetto to the Underground Railroad, from the Servile Wars, to Star Wars. The Sauron of our era, the one who this in charge of pulling the strings, has already found the “The One Ring”. The Sauron of our era wants to control absolutely everything, and that "everything" starts with our minds and hearts.

P.D. What happened to Cecil was regrettable, but for the people in Zimbabwe, it had the same relevance as Ja Rule's opinion.